It's a terrible illusion for Americans to think that the U.S. is somehow selectively separated from the rest of the world when it comes to the "huge" increase of terror since the U.S.'s occupation of Iraq. Whatever happens "anywhere" on this earth affects "everywhere". And, just because we don't see it or feel it, doesn't mean it isn't true.

If "any" place is less safe in the world today since the U.S. invasion of Iraq..."every" place is less safe. Because, contrary to what some would like us to believe, the U.S. is "not" separate from the rest of the world when it comes to the emotional and environmental impact of terror "anywhere" on this planet.

The poverty in America, the aids in Africa, the starvation in the Sudan, the violence in Haiti...affects us all. It doesn't matter whose land it's on ~ the increased suffering of humanity around the world, increases the suffering of all humanity. We must not fall prey to a "dangerous illusion" that this is not true...for it will only increase "our own" suffering.