One of The Greatest Gifts You Can Give Yourself Is To Take Time To Meditate
Meditating is actually easier than you might imagine. Most of us have dabbled in meditation by participating in conscious relaxation. Maybe during an exercise class or to manage pain at the dentist or anxiety before a test. We start by paying attention to our breathing. The practical effort to focus completely on our breathing takes our minds away from the "mind clutter" that constantly tries to invade our mind and eliminate feelings that will lead to a time of calm. With repeated effort the goal of clearing your mind – to think of nothing, does occur and the process of meditation takes on its own energy. The result is, and I guarantee this, peace, serenity, calmness, eventually opening yourself to new insights.
No magic pill is available to eliminate these feelings. The reality is, as the wise old man said, the answer is inside all of us. To manage these universal concerns we must go inside ourselves. Among the steps we can take is the learning and practicing of meditation.
Sometimes you may weep -- you may not even be aware of what is making you weep. It is your own emotions having a voice of their own. Sometimes you may feel a smile across your face -- that is contentment showing itself. Sometimes you may fall asleep and awaken truly refreshed.
There is no right or wrong behavior during your meditation. It is your time for you. Everyone deserves this kind of personal attention. This is a self-care activity; loving oneself! Teach it to your children instead of a time-out in their room or corner. Teach it to your friends, family, anyone who will listen. We can share this gift and get back as we give. We are all better because of each person who meditates. The peace and joy felt by those who meditate enters the world for all of us as positive energy. From it the world is a better place. Imagine if we all practiced meditation!http://www.learningmeditation.com/index.htm
South Carolina City of Charleston ~ In Memory of Our 9 Fallen Firefighters

If the Earth Isn't Well
If the whales aren't well
we aren't well.
If the wolves aren't well
we aren't well.
If the birds aren't well
we aren't well.
If the trees aren't well
we aren't well.
If the crickets aren't well
we aren't well.
If Africa isn't well
then we're not well.
If South America isn't well
then we're not well.
If North America isn't well
then we're not well.
If the British Isles aren't well
then we're not well.
If Europe isn't well
then we're not well.
If Asia isn't well
then we're not well.
If the Middle East isn't well
then we're not well.
If the EARTH is not well
......then we are not well.
Patty Ann Smith
Cool Globes
My Home ~ My Heart
Something to Think About
Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. ~ Carl Sagan
Some of the Rewards of A Simple Life

Every Day, There Are More and More Refugees In The World
The International Rescue Committee serves refugees and communities victimized by oppression or violent conflict worldwide. Founded in 1933, the IRC is committed to freedom, human dignity, and self-reliance. This commitment is expressed in emergency relief, protection of human rights, post-conflict development, resettlement assistance, and advocacy.
A glimpse of what The International Rescue Committee was doing in April of this year:
The Displaced in Central African Republic Receive Emergency Supplies from An International Rescue Committee team in northwestern Central African Republic is distributing emergency supplies to some 21,000 people, most of them displaced by ongoing violence and living in dire conditions in the bush.
“So far, we’ve been able to provide critical items to 344 households, about 1,800 people, from six hard-hit villages,” says the IRC’s Baptiste Millet, who is helping to organize the deliveries in volatile Nana Gribizi district.
“We worked with communities to establish committees of six women and four men, who in turn, helped organize the distribution for their fellow villagers,” adds Millet.
The first distribution took place in an area on the frontline of fighting between insurgents and government soldiers.
“The uprooted people in this area are extremely vulnerable and at risk of getting caught in the cross fire if they try to return to their villages,” says Millet. “Their access to aid and services has been especially limited.”
The IRC is distributing items that include insecticide-treated mosquito nets, soap, cooking supplies, water containers and clothing, largely donated by UN agencies. AmeriCares has also contributed more than 1 million water purification sachets that the IRC will be supplying to displaced communities suffering high rates of water-borne diseases.
One of those villages is Ngoumourou, next on the list to receive IRC emergency supplies. Families from Ngoumourou have lost 17 children in recent months from diseases stemming from drinking contaminated water.
“People in the bush need access to clean water, “says Safaa Fakorede, an IRC environmental health engineer. “In the same 45 communities where we’re distributing supplies, we’re also giving training and tools to dig wells and conducting health and hygiene promotion activities.”
For the region's sick, the IRC continues to improve services at Kaga Bandoro Hospital, the only functioning health facility in the area. With IRC’s assistance, the hospital is treating about 180 patients a day, up from an average of six. We’ve also supplied new equipment, mattresses and linens.
The IRC’s health coordinator is training midwives and nurses on specialized care for women who have been sexually assaulted and doctors and other hospital staff on drug management care and improved treatment methods for malaria, diarrhea, measles and meningitis.
You can find this story and others like it by visiting The International Rescue Committee online right here: www.theirc.org
Will Freed's song "Children of the World"

Will Freed is a MySpace friend of mine "from across the pond":) in Germany. He is an outstanding songwriter, singer, guitar player and humanitarian. And just this week, he put his song "Children of the World" on his MySpace Player. It's truly a song everyone should hear. Please drop by his place to click on and listen to "Children of the World".
Will Freed's MySpace: www.myspace.com/freedwill
Will Freed's Website: http://www.will-freed.de/