We Have A Relationship To Every Living Thing....And Affection Is The Essential Principle of All Relationships In The World

Remember: The choices each of us make ~ affects all of us in the end.

If we don't get back to being more compassionate, and loving and kinder people, we're all going to be like boats without paddles. The extensive continuing apathy, neglect, and wrongdoing that has resulted from Hurricane Katrina has the potential to create a disintegration of humanity. It would be extremely beneficial for the whole world if all those who are "lying" would STOP. Non-truth only leads to more non-truth and nothing that's built on lies ever lasts. If only all those who have to be so loyal to their associates ~ could extend that loyalty to their fellow man as well. What you "relate to" is, in the long run, a much better bench-mark of who you are than your titles and credentials...because if you were judged on what's really important as a human being, it would be your intentions.